You cannot always give the ones you love a choice..they can be limited.. the well being of others go before your own feelings.. leaving the ones close to you to come to their own conclusions why..It is what you have to do despite what you personally feel.. and would do the same way if time was to repeat.. it is the way it is suppose to be
though it was at your loved ones hearts expense, not everyone will forgive you for walking away
and come to their own reasons why you have left .. and they feel betrayed
and the hurt they feel turns to anger, so you cannot always return and be welcome
and the ones you need to heal.. don’t always know..though you seek no reward.. there is none to receive.
so you can spend many hours alone and you need to stay with your faith
in your heart, and believe that what it is your doing its right and true
and what your destiny is, it is what you have been given life for, not to waste, not on yourself….
but love to others…and maybe one day…….they will see you…..the real you….maybe
but many many hours .. days.. and years.. are lonely..
because when you are no longer needed…….you have no home……… one to love
because you have walked away from them….
to be you
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