7th ray Saint Germaine
Saint Germaine
St. Germain – The Seventh Ray of Freedom and Transmutation :
Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst are the archangels of the seventh ray
Elohim Arcturus and Victoria are the Elohim of the seventh ray
Omri-Tas. Is the Ruler of the Violet Planet
Saint Germain’s twin flame is the Ascended Lady Master Portia
Saint Germain is the Lord of the Violet Ray
The Path of The Alchemist/Transformation
Earthly incarnations: Francis Bacon, High Priest on Atlantis, Samuel the Prophet , Alban, Roman Soldier, Teacher of Neoplatonists, Merlin, Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus, Wonderman of Europe . The Count St. Germain, known as the “Wonder Man of Europe” in the 1700′s. He looked the same for 100 years, spoke every language, traveled by thought, fed the poor, and worked for peace. He took his body into light (ascended), and now works with humanity mostly from the lighter realms.
Saint Germain is Chohan of the Seventh Ray, the violet ray, of freedom, alchemy, justice, mercy and transmutation. He is the sponsor of the United States of America and the hierarch of the age of Aquarius, who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame for world change. He tutors and initiates souls in mastery of the seat-of-the-soul chakra, preparing them to receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of prophecy and the working of miracles.
Two of his well-known embodiments were Christopher Columbus and Merlin the magician, a spiritual adept who has unfortunately been mythologized. In a series of recent embodiments from the prophet Samuel to Francis Bacon, Saint Germain was the all-pervasive mind, laying the empirical foundation for an age of enlightenment, pushing back the barriers of limitation in the physical and spiritual sciences. As Roger Bacon he directed and inspired devotees of the sacred science, then in his embodiment as Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe, he outpictured the quintessence of the alchemists’ dream for all to see.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain teaches that the highest alchemy is the transformation of one’s human consciousness into the divinity of the Higher Self. He stands ready to assist all souls in this endeavor. He has also said he would release the technology of the Aquarian age when the nations shall have put behind them the destructive uses of science and religion to accept the challenge which lies at the heart of both, which is for man to enter his heart and the nucleus of the atom and to harness from both the unlimited spiritual and physical resources to establish the golden age.
His etheric retreats are located over Transylvania in Romania and Table Mountain in Wyoming.
He wrote in cipher, “I trusteth all to the future and a land that is very far towards the sunset gate….I keep the future ever in my plan, looking for my reward, not to my times and countrymen, but to a people very far off, and an age not like our own, but a second golden age of learning.”
Having discovered the continent and encouraged its colonization, he must also insure a proper foundation for the new nation. Saint Germain stood by George Washington throughout the Revolution and during the winter at Valley Forge. His past efforts in initiating the society of Freemasons had enfired many of the key figures of the Revolution. General Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin and as many as fifty-three out of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence were all members of the Masonic order, whose principles had guided them in founding the new nation. Further, Saint Germain called for the signing of the Declaration of Independence, directed the writing of the Constitution and anointed Washington first President of the United States.
America was secured as the land of opportunity and Saint Germain devoted himself to the raising of the consciousness of her people.
In the twentieth century, the Master went before the Lords of Karma to plead the cause of freedom for and on behalf of the original 576 he has sponsored, expanding that circle to include the Lightbearers of all centuries–the original Keepers of the Flame who came with Sanat Kumara as well as the children of God who had been evolving unto the spiritual gifts and graces through earth’s numerous ages.
However, as the decades have passed, the rate of increase in the return of mankind’s karma has precipitated what is known as the Dark Cycle–the era of Chaos and old Night whose signs are foretold in Revelation, even as the hoof beats of the Four Horsemen can be heard throughout the land.
Let us listen to the prophet Samuel–dubbed Uncle Sam by his people–who has indeed begun to sound his prophecy to the chosen. He has warned that the I AM Race–those who have the seed of the name I AM THAT I AM within their hearts–”have not hearkened unto the LORD, nor have they fulfilled the wholeness of the Law.” Therefore, the Master says:
- Some among this people must be and become direct initiates of Sanat Kumara, for always there has been the requirement of the ransom. Let those who are the inner circle of the devotees, those who are the first fruits who come and stand as the ensign of the people, raise up the banner of Christ as the one whom they serve, the one who by his very Communion promise at the Last Supper designated each and every son and daughter of God for the internalization of the Word…
- Unfortunately, and this word is mild, but it is unfortunate indeed that the laws of Christ and his Teachings, so meticulously brought forth to the close initiates, are not fully known today, having been taken even from the holy people. Therefore, to obey Christ becomes the challenge of the hour–to find the Person of that Christ, to find the Way and the Teachings.
- You have received the lost Word and the lost Teachings of Jesus Christ through our effort….As a result of this, you have been strengthened and protected in that Word and Teaching. And some from among you have taken their leave at the conclusion of their embodiment and gone on in the full resurrection with Jesus Christ….Thus, the proof of the Teaching and the Path is that it leads one successively to that higher and higher consciousness where unto the individual is assumed into the very heart of the I AM Presence [becoming indeed the pure Person of that Christ].
Today, as we see the cycles of earth’s returning karma reach a mounting crescendo wherein even the four sacred freedoms are threatened, the Brotherhood has set aside a place in America’s Rocky Mountains for the pursuit of the Lost Teachings of Christ to their fullest expression.
Saint Germain spoke of it in 1983 when he said that we have come “to a similar moment to that of that final hour of the golden age when I presided where the Sahara now is. My family is much larger than it was then, for I include every one of you who love me as my very own family…. In that hour, our family was taken to the golden etheric city of light. In this hour, we have summoned you to a higher place in the mountains of the north.”
Our beloved Saint Germain and his twin flame, the Ascended Lady Master Portia.
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