The middle level of ascended masters
According to Ascended Master Teachings
The middle level of ascended masters (masters of the ancient wisdom), recognized by both traditional Theosophists and those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings, are those who have attained the sixth level of initiation. These include the seven “Chohans” (“Lords”) of the Seven Rays – El Morya (1st ray), Kuthumi (2nd ray), Paul the Venetian (3rd ray), Serapis Bey (4th ray), Master Hilarion (5th ray), Master Jesus (6th ray), and the Master Rakoczi (7th ray), referred to in the Ascended Master Teachings as St. Germain; as well as their coordinator and communications director Djwal Khul.[16] According to the Ascended Master Teachings, on January 1, 1956, the Master Jesus advanced to the seventh level of initiation and the Lady Master Nada (a lady Master recognized in the Ascended Master Teachings but not in Theosophy) advanced from the fifth level to the sixth level and replaced the Master Jesus as the chohan of the sixth ray.
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