Lord Himalaya
Lord Himalaya
The manu for the fourth root race is Lord Himalaya, hierarch of the Retreat of the Blue Lotus in the Himalayan mountains. Himalaya is a master of masters who, together with his embodied twin flame, anchors the masculine ray of the Fatherhood of God for the planet. Himalaya teaches telepathy through meditation. Those who sit at his feet and blend their consciousness with Lord Himalaya’s, become one with his threefold flame pattern. Through this oneness, they receive his ideations and a mantra that will help unfold their divine plan. Himalaya’s radiance is as golden snow and he anchors the Christ consciousness in the Himalayas, purifying the Ganges waters. Himalaya would teach us the quietude and inner voice of God, the miracle of grace the majesty of peace, the power contained within the great silence, the stillness in the eye of the storm and the light of the heart. Stepping out of Nirvana, he endeavors to bring the flame of divine illumination to the world and to unite the traditions of East and West.
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