2nd ray Kuthumi
The One Who is called Kuthumi is a Member of that Group of Beings Who oversee and guide the evolutionary developement of Humankind on Planet Earth. They are, of course, non-physical Foci of Consciousness and are variously called The Elders of The Race, The Spiritual Hierarchy, and The Great White Brotherhood.
Kuthumi is one of The Seven Chohans or Lords of The Seven Rays, which are Major Aspects and Attributes of The Creative Force for this Universe. In that role and responsibility, They transmute from a Higher Level through their Consciousness one of those particular Aspects for the benefit and progress of the sentient life on this planet. Kuthumi is The Chohan of The Second Ray Which is called Love/Wisdom and oversees the activity and global projects of The Second Ray Brotherhood Who work with this energy to promote the spiritual advancement of a laggard Human Race.
Kuthumi is also known as The World Teacher, having moved into that Position when the previous World Teacher (Maitreya) took a Higher Initiation within The Spiritual Hierarchy in fairly recent times. Kuthumi was the closest Disciple of Maitreya for a very long time. The Position of World Teacher is also called The Office of The Christ Consciousness in the “occult” literature.
The last incarnate lifetime of the current World Teacher was as Kuthumi Lal Singh, an Indian Kashmiri Prince of the 19th Century. Toward the end of that lifetime, He took The Fifth Initiation which is called The Ascension, and he became an Ascended Master of Wisdom in The Spiritual Hierarchy and chose to remain with the evolutionary scheme of Planet Earth (out of compassion) rather than moving on to other more extensive systems of evolution and experience.
The following are a few of the more memorable lifetimes of The One called Kuthumi within the past few millennia:
1) Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III (Menkheperre Reign: 1479-1425 BC)
2) Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II (Usermaatresetepenre Reign: 1279-1213 BC)
3) Pythagoras, the great Greek Initiate
4) Balthazar, one of the 3 Zoroastrian Magi
5) Saint John the Beloved, the one closest to Master Jesus
6) Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226 AD)
7) Saint Martin de Porres (Lima, Peru 1579-1639 AD)
8.) Shah Jahan, builder of The Taj Mahal in India
In the New Golden Age upon Earth, Kuthumi will physically manifest and walk amongst Humankind as an Avatar of The Christ Consciousness and The Lord of Compassion, and He will anchor the virtue of compassion in The Collective Consciousness to remain for all time.
As this incarnate personality, I am a small fragment of The Kuthumi Consciousness (one of many), and it is The Christed Energy of Kuthumi which is transmitted through my body and my hands during a healing session. It is Kuthumi Who wishes to heal those who are ready to be healed through me, hence the Kuthumi hands.
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