Darkness and light
The time where energy, awareness and destiny reach a point where it evolves and matures will be soon.. It is a time where change will occur noticed by awareness or which is beyond harmony within universal energy and the laws that it abides separating that of which will not coexist.
The energy of light.. and that of darkness.. will never meet … Light cannot be darkness… Darkness cannot be light… neither can exist without the other nor manifest at the same time… preference does not play a role..only awareness of source..and how one is in synchronicity with universal laws.
Desire places boundaries, and limits what we are able to give. your desire being light.. is another’s darkness, that energy comes from your heart, become aware of that energy, it demands of you, just as your heart desires oxygen for you to exist, it demands you to take your next breathe.
Your hearts desires cannot be over ruled by your mind
Your mind does not control your desire.. for life and all its givings, only your heart desires
When you desire. you will not overcome it consciously until is part of you, to desire you take, when you take it comes from another source other than your own and your desires are met by this attraction. The universe seeks equilibrium in all things and the universe provides awareness.. we merely allow the energy and light to flow, Your higher self governs your sacred heart, your sacred heart.. the inner sacred energy of your heart is beyond desire, it is not until you desire no more from your higher self and your sacred heart space is occupied by yourself rather than your inner desires .. will you attain universal balance.. and no longer be darkness to another.. and be light.. you yourself will then govern when you breathe
love from your higher self.. is unconditional.. it is source.. it is unity.. it is god.. it is the goddess.. it is the universe and all its laws.. it is the reason we are what we are and as one within unity…it is I am
The balance will one day be and unity again will be restored with all things. It is the path.
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