Vaivasvata Manu
Vaivasvata Manu
is the manu of the fifth root race, souls who focus the green ray of God’s healing and truth, and of whom many are still unascended. His name in Sanskrit means, “born of the Sun.” Leadbeater describes him in the book, The Masters and the Path, as “a kingly figure…the tallest of all adepts…The Manu has a very striking face of great power, with an aquiline nose, a full and flowing brown beard and brown eyes, and a magnificent head of Leonine poise.” Vaivasvata’s retreat in the Himalayas magnetizes the souls of the fifth root race and the love of the manu is so great that it cuts them free from all that opposes their divine destiny. Vaivasvata serves to strengthen the antahkarana web of light and asks us to call for his pattern to appear to reinforce the pattern of our divine destiny, especially when we feel alone, separate, maligned or misunderstood or maligned. His twin flame also remains in physical embodiment.
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