Lord Maitreya Maitri
M Lord Maitreya Maitri
My Guidance in Light and Spirit
The Maitreya or Lord Maitreya is described in Theosophical literature of the late 19th-century and subsequent periods as an advanced spiritual entity and high-ranking member of a hidden Spiritual Hierarchy, the so-called Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. According to Theosophical doctrine, one of the Hierarchy’s functions is to oversee the evolution of Humankind; in accord with this function the Maitreya is said to hold the so-called Office of the World Teacher. Theosophical texts posit that the purpose of this Office is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge about the true constitution and workings of Existence. Humanity is thereby assisted on its presumed cyclical, but ever progressive, evolutionary path. Reputedly, one way the knowledge transfer is accomplished is by Maitreya occasionally manifesting or incarnating in the physical realm; the manifested entity then assumes the role of World Teacher of Humankind.
The Theosophical concept of Maitreya has many similarities to the earlier Maitreya doctrine in Buddhism. However, they differ in important aspects, and developed differently. The Theosophical Maitreya has been assimilated or appropriated by a variety of quasi-theosophical and non-theosophical New Age and Esoteric groups and movements. These have added, and advanced, their own interpretations and commentary on the subject.
Spiritual Hierarchy
Following Blavatsky’s writings on the subject, other Theosophists progressively elaborated on the Spiritual Hierarchy.[8] Its members are presented as guardians and guides of Earth’s total evolutionary process,[9] known in Theosophical cosmology as the doctrine of Planetary Rounds. According to Theosophists, evolution includes an occult or spiritual component that is considered of a higher order of importance than the related physical evolution.[10] The Hierarchy presumably consists of spiritual entities at various evolutionary stages – these stages correspond to ever increasing ranks within the Hierarchy. Lower ranks are populated by individuals who can function more or less normally on the physical plane, while in the highest known rankings are highly evolved beings of the purest spiritual essence and consciousness.[11]
According to the Theosophical exposition, in the current stage of Planetary Evolution the position of Maitreya in Earth’s Hierarchy is that of the so-called Boddhisatva, originally a Buddhist concept.[12] Since this position is thought to be at an exalted state, the Maitreya may have no direct or sustained contact with the physical realm. At this evolutionary level he is below only two other beings in the current Hierarchy: at its apex, the Sanat Kumara, (also referred to as The Lord of the World), followed by the Buddha; as such the Maitreya is held in high reverence and regard by Theosophists.[13] He is additionally described as having among other duties overall responsibility for humanity’s development, including its education, civilization, and religion.[14]
Blavatsky held that members of the Hierarchy, often called the Masters or the Mah?tm?s in Theosophical literature, were the ultimate guides of the Theosophical Society.[15] The Society itself was said to be the result of one of the “impulses” from the Hierarchy. These “impulses” are believed to be a regular occurrence.[16] Furthermore, Blavatsky commented in her widely read 1889 work The Key to Theosophy on the next impulse, the “effort of the XXth century” which would involve another “torch-bearer of Truth”. In this effort the Theosophical Society was poised to possibly play a major role.[17] More information regarding the future “impulse” was the purview of the Theosophical Society’s Esoteric Section which was founded by Blavatsky and was originally led by her.[18] Its members had access to occult instruction and more detailed knowledge of the “inner order” and mission of the Society, and of its reputed hidden guides.[19]
Christ Principle
Blavatsky also elaborated on a so-called Christ Principle, which in her view corresponds to the spiritual essence of every human being.[20] After Blavatsky’s death in 1891 influential Theosophist Charles Webster Leadbeater (1854–1934), whose knowledge on occult matters was highly respected by the Society’s leadership, formulated a Christology in which he identified Christ with the Theosophical representation of the Buddhist deity Maitreya. He maintained that an aspect of Maitreya was the prototype for the Christ Principle described by Blavatsky. Leadbeater believed that Maitreya-as-Christ had previously manifested on Earth, often through specially prepared people who acted as the entity’s “vehicles”. The manifested Maitreya then assumed the role of World Teacher, dispensing knowledge regarding underlying truths of Existence.[21] This knowledge, which according to Theosophists eventually crystallized in religious, scientific and cultural practices, had been reputedly disseminated to groups as small as a few carefully selected Initiates and as large as Humanity as a whole.
In Theosophical texts, the Maitreya is said to have had numerous manifestations or incarnations: in the theorized ancient continent of Atlantis; as a Hierophant in Ancient Egypt;[22] as the Hindu deity Krishna;[23] as a high priest in Ancient India;[24] and as Christ during the three years of the Ministry of Jesus.[23]
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