
Welcome to my website.. may your truth be your innermost and outermost amazing journey for you.

When you love unconditionally the infinitely small.. the seemingly insignificant forms of life that surrounds us, we learn that they are parts of our lives that have been essential to our own existence and ours to theirs. Gratitude comes from the heart and is the free giving of our own Divine energy  for all forms of life.



When we review the actions of those who offend us we consider the lords of karma when justice does not seem to prevail, though it is the energies we emit to the universe that perpetuate negativity and amplify our revengeful intentions withi n a coalition of similar thoughts of others, enticing our judgement in becoming the manifested actions of another often unknown to us and their actions just as foreign to them.. brought upon by our collective intent.. when we evolve beyond our self-denial the lords of karma are more likely to uphold their forgiveness and compassion then you will be when confronted by the judgement you will one day put upon yourself, A judgement that will take a millennium to forgive.. A judgement of another is a burden to carry.. one we are...

When we give truly from the heart we ask for nothing in return, If we give trust freely and do not request faith in return… then our personal boundaries are never breached and our expectations are not binding ones soul and energy to another by the chains of a promise you are holding over them.. Look deeply and you will see that the direction of energy flows both ways within this bondage of chains..and limited to the conduit in which it flows.. love within your own heart energies cannot flow as one within unity until the ties have been severed…Live freely, love unconditionally.. Namaste, Whitefeather

From stillness comes harmony and a moment within time to see love that surrounds us, Even the challenges we face can be viewed with appreciation from a point in our lives where we have stopped and taken a breath, it so often becomes a time that we find ourselves also giving to others in one way or another, truly giving with no anticipation of receiving in return, I believe it is from our heart space that we can reach within and see a path with a little more clarity then the one that lead us to a point of uncertainty. When we see and feel and become harmony itself.. no obstacle will dishearten us.

I see with my eyes closed, I hear with my ears covered, when I sit in silence and feel with my heart the harmonics around me play in rhythm to the heart of the earth, and the golden cord that connects her to the universe is the strings, the cosmic winds the chorus.  I listen for the music in us all  and what is around us, I feel no fear nor am I lost when I connect, and take the time to feel my awareness of all that surrounds be in light, energy and love.

Darkness and light

Darkness and light

The time where energy, awareness and destiny reach a point where it evolves and matures will be soon.. It is a time where change will occur noticed by awareness or which is beyond harmony within universal energy and the laws that it abides separating that of which will not coexist. The energy of light.. and that of darkness.. will never meet … Light cannot be darkness… Darkness cannot be light… neither can exist without the other nor manifest at the same time… preference does not play a role..only awareness of source..and how one is in synchronicity with universal laws. Desire places boundaries, and limits what we are able to give. your desire being light.. is another’s darkness, that energy comes from your heart, become aware of that...